Monday, October 25, 2010

What If?

October 25, 2010

When I was working I traveled around the southeast inspecting manufactured homes (aka…doublewides, singlewides, mobile homes, trailers).  I looked at a whole range of homes, from simple low end homes to very nice high end homes. As you may imagine I meet all sorts of people.  Some were regular folks, some were scary, and some were simply amazing.

This is a true story about one of the amazing guys I met.

On Wednesday, June 24, 2009 I met an 80-year-old black preacher (he called himself black so I guess it is OK if I do) up in the hills of Tennessee. He was a nice old guy.  He showed me around his little house, pointed out a few problems then he asked me to come outside with him to his little office that he had built out back.  I thought he wanted to talk about the repairs to his home, I was wrong.  He wanted to talk to me about God and this is what he said.  I thought to myself please get me out of here, I don't want to hear this.

He started off by asking me if I had ever thought about what color Adam and Eve were.  I said no and started making my way to the door.  Then he asked me to sit down.  I was trapped.
He told me that Adam was a dark skinned man, and asked me if I knew how he knew that, and I said no.
Then he went on to tell me that that God made Adam from the dust, that dust is dirt, that dirt is dark, therefore Adam was a dark skinned man.
He told me that Eve was made from a rib, that ribs are bones, that bones are white, so Eve was white.
He then told me Adam and Eve was the first interracial couple.
Next he asks me if I knew what my soul was or if I could describe it. I said I wasn’t sure, he told me my soul was my personality, if I had a good personality I had a good soul.

We talked a little longer, he said a prayer and then I left.  I thought about what he said for the next few days.  What if he is right about Adam and Eve?  What if he is right about my soul? 
I have been blessed throughout my life by meeting all sorts of people. Some of them I’ve spent only a little time with, some have been involved in my life for a long time.  All have touched my life. All of them had had a part in making me the man I am today. For this I am grateful. Amen
Peace & Grace to you all ~ Parker

1 comment:

  1. thought provoking for sure!
    i'm so glad you have a blog parker!
    i think it's awesome :)
